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Lump in the Vagina, Beware of the Causes

A lump in the vagina and the area around it can be a normal condition. However, it can also be a sign of conditions that require attention and medical treatment, such as genital warts, cysts, or vaginal varicose veins. Here are some causes of lumps in the vagina that you need to be aware of. In addition to making it uncomfortable, bumps in the vagina and around the genital area of a woman would make anxiety. Especially if the lump is accompanied by other symptoms, such as itching, irritation or rash, to pain. Before discussing the cause of a lump in the vagina, you need to understand the exact location of the lump, whether in the vagina or around the vulva. The vagina is a tubular organ consisting of elastic muscles that connect the uterus and cervix or cervix. Whereas the vulva is the outer genital organ consisting of labia minora, labia majora, and Skene glands.

Various Conditions That Cause Lumps In The Vagina

Here are some medical conditions that cause lumps in the vagina and vulva.
  • Vaginal cyst

  • Lumps in the vagina can be a sign of a cyst. Vaginal cysts usually appear on the vaginal wall, in the form of hard lumps the size of peas or can be larger. There are several types of vaginal cysts, including Bartholin cysts, inclusion cysts, Müllerian cysts, and Gartner cysts. The most common type of vaginal cyst is an inclusion cyst. This type of vaginal cyst usually appears after giving birth or when an injury occurs in the vagina. Vaginal cysts are generally painless. However, if the size is large it can cause discomfort during sex, when walking or exercising, and when wearing tampon pads. If the cyst starts to cause pain and pain, it is a sign that the cyst has been infected and requires immediate medical attention. Complications that occur generally are vaginal abscesses, namely the formation of a collection of pus and fluid that can cause redness, pain, and swelling. Women with vaginal cysts must undergo periodic examination by an obstetrician. This is done as part of routine care and to see the development of the cyst. In some cases, vaginal cysts that are already very irritating must be removed through surgery.
  • Vulvar cyst

  • Vulvar cysts occur when the glands around the vulva are blocked. The size of these cysts varies, but generally only small lumps are hard and do not hurt, unless they have been infected. This type of cyst usually goes away by itself without treatment. However, if a cyst is infected, need immediate doctor treatment.
  • Genital warts

  • Lumps in the vagina can be a sign of genital warts. Genital warts, including sexually transmitted diseases, are characterized by the appearance of small lumps around the area of ​​the labia, in the vagina, in the cervix, and even around the anus. Genital warts are caused by infection with human papillomavirus (HPV). The spread can be through sexual intercourse through vaginal, anal sex, and oral sex. Symptoms of genital warts usually begin with a collection of small lumps of pink or reddish brown. Some genital warts do not cause pain, but others can cause itching and burning.
  • Genital herpes

  • Genital herpes is also a sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Usually characterized by itching, tingling, wound-like sores appear, and lumps in the genitals that contain clear fluid. In addition, symptoms will also appear in the form of fever and pain in the genital area and buttocks. Genital herpes is transmitted through vaginal sex (through the vagina), oral (through the mouth), or anal (through the anus). There is no cure for genital herpes, but the severity and duration of symptoms that appear can be controlled by antiviral drugs.
  • Skin grows in the vagina

  • Lumps in the vagina can be caused by vaginal skin tags or skin growing in the vagina. Vaginal skin tags are growing skin that appears in the vaginal area, similar in color to skin color or darker, generally small, which is around 2-10 millimeters. This growing skin can be caused by pregnancy, obesity, insulin resistance, heredity, or human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Skin growing on the vagina can resemble vaginal polyps or genital warts.
  • Fordyce spots

  • Fordyce spots are small, yellowish-white bumps or dots of 1-5 mm in size, which generally appear on the inside of the vulva. Fordyce spots can also appear on the cheeks, the edges of the lips, even on the penis. Generally, these spots begin to appear from puberty to adulthood, are harmless, and painless. Nevertheless, this condition still needs to get the attention of doctors, because some sexually transmitted diseases can start from fordyce spots on the genitals. Avoid to squeeze these spots.
In addition to the conditions above, other possibilities for lumps in the vagina or in the surrounding area are varicose vaginal, vulvar cancer, or vaginal cancer. To make sure it needs further examination to the doctor. Handling that is done to treat a lump in the vagina depends on the cause. You can also do treatment at home to deal with the symptoms that arise, such as bathing and soaking in warm water for several days, wearing cotton underwear, and wearing clothes that do not irritate the vulva. Be sure to consult a dermatologist and genital specialist immediately if you suspect a lump in the vagina, especially if the lump is accompanied by other complaints, such as pain, itching, and bleeding or discharge from the vagina.
